William Robert Giblin

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William Robert Giblin

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William Robert Giblin (1840-1887), premier and judge, was born on 4 November 1840 at Hobart Town, son of William Giblin, clerk of the registrar of deeds and deacon in the Congregational Church, and his wife Marion, née Falkiner. He was educated by his uncle and at the Hobart High School but left at 13 to work for the legal firm of Allport & Roberts; he was later articled to John Roberts. Giblin studied not only law but in other fields, reading widely and developing a literary style in his prose and verse. In 1864 he was admitted to the Bar and became a partner of the Hobart barrister, Henry Dobson, brother of William. His success in the courts was immediate and enabled him on 5 January 1865 to marry Emmely Jean, daughter of John Perkins. For more information see: http://adb.anu.edu.au/biography/giblin-william-robert-3606


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