William Holyman

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Authorized form of name

William Holyman

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William Holyman (1833-1919) arrived in Tasmania as a seaman in 1854. In 1861 he purchased his first ship, the schooner "Cousins", and traded along the north coast of Tasmania, with his son Thomas. The business expanded into a fleet of trading ketcches, originally flying a house flag of a white H on a red flag, but this was later changed to a white star on a red flag and the name "White Star Line" was used. In the 1890s steam ships were introduced and mainland trade and passenger services began. In 1899 Wiliam Holymanjr (1858-1921) became manager, assisted by his brother James (1862-1944). Air passenger services began in 1932, under James Holyman with his nephews (sons of William holyman jr.), Victor who had served in the Royal Naval Air Service in the war, and Ivan (1896-1957). Holyman Airways (later A.N.A) was formed in 1934 and continued unti11957..


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