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Margaret Sturge Watts
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Album 5 1975-

Black and white photos, colour photos, postcards and typed letter from Sydney Lord Mayor Leo Port in album (mountain scene on cover).
Inscription on title page: 'Loving gift from Gladys Allen, Pontefract Yorks: England, July 1975'.

Margaret Sturge Watts

Album 6 1976-77

Black and white photos, colour photos and postcards in album (sailing ships on cover).
Inscription on cover says '1976-77' but pasted inside the cover is a black and white photo of the Lord Mayor of Sydney presenting MSW with a potted liquid amber when she was Senior Citizen of 1973.
Inscription inside cover: 'From Dorothy Allen, Christmas 1976'.

Margaret Sturge Watts

Album I

Black and white photos and newspaper cuttings pasted into red album

Margaret Sturge Watts

Album III

Black and white photos, colour photos and postcards in cork album.
Inscription 'Kind gift of Daphne Aveling to Margaret 13-2-74'.
Includes black and white MST wedding photo pasted inside front cover; and loose letter-sheet 'Dear Margaret Watts, Loving greetings from Australian Friends gathered at Adelaide for General Meeting 10-15 Jan 1963' followed by signed names

Margaret Sturge Watts

Album IV

Black and white photos, colour photos, postcards and typed letter from Rev Ted Noffs in blue album.
Inscription inside front cover: 'Album from brother Joe, June 12th 1974'.

Margaret Sturge Watts

Album: Margaret's post-war travels

Handwritten label pasted on cover inscribed 'Margaret's post-war travels. An ad hoc collection including Continental Europe, England, Australia & the USA and some Sydney social service and Quaker projects, in an ancient family album. Margaret Sturge Watts'.
Black and white photos and colour postcards pasted into album.
Includes 1 loose black and white photo with inscription on the reverse: 'Staff of Dept of Labour & Industry, Q'land 1918. When I was Factory Inspector'

Margaret Sturge Watts

Autograph album

1 album covered in brown paper and inscribed: M.S. Watts. Autograph Album.
Margaret S. Thorp inscribed on inside cover.
Spine in poor condition.
Inscription opposite title page (Writing Album) says: 'June 1906. Margaret S. Thorp with best wishes from Freda Brunskill'.
Includes inscriptions, cuttings, letters, watercolour paintings, pen and ink drawings and photos.
Autographs include Roald Amundsen (1911), poet Kath Walker, pianist Eileen Joyce, feminists Adela Pankhurst and Vida Goldstein, Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore, politicians and many Quakers met on her travels.

Margaret Sturge Watts

Book 2

1 handwritten diary (black exercise book), marked Private, 1910 - 1914 (amended to 1914 - 1916, which is incorrect) documenting her time in Hobart and voyage back to England [arrived at Tilbury in April 1914]

Margaret Sturge Watts

Book I

1 handwritten diary (black exercise book), marked Private, 1910 - 1914, documenting her last week in London and voyage to Australia [sailed from Tilbury on September 15th and arrived in Adelaide on 21st October 1911]. At the Freemantle stopover, her father received a letter from Francis Mather and Mr Gower asking him to take over at the Friends' School for 7 months while Mr Gower was in England

Margaret Sturge Watts

Correspondence 1924 to 1949

1 folder of loose papers: letters, references, cuttings, etc. Includes note (8.3.45) from Constance Crosland of Perth re Margaret's interstate lecture tour for the Australian Fund for Stricken Europe and photo of her first open air talk in 1922

Margaret Sturge Watts

Diary of three months in America

Photocopy of diary. Summer 1914. Toured with a delegation of 7 Young Friends to visit all sections of the American Society of Friends. Known as 'Babe' because she was the youngest of the team. War was declared in Europe while she was in Pennsylvania. Came home to pack her things for the return trip to Australia. [Left Liverpool on 18th June and returned to England in September 1914]

Margaret Sturge Watts


27 black and white photos of people and scenery (some with details on the reverse), 1 postcard, 5 visiting cards, 1 40 pfg. Stettiner Strassen-Eisenbahn Gesellschaft (tram ticket?) and 1 Bettkarte (sleeping berth ticket) Berlin - Coln.
Inscription on envelope: 'Visiting cards, photographs (family ancestors), Germany, Australia, to keep or use'.

Margaret Sturge Watts

Excerpts of autobiography

Excerpts of autobiography, incomplete. Differ from wording and page numbers of typescript autobiography (E-15).
Pages 1-28, 76-79, and 90-95
Appendix 1: Some Quaker generations
List of illustrations
To Face Page 8: Letter from my grandfather for my twelvth birthday
To Face Page 18: Mother and father

Margaret Sturge Watts


Folder of items (photos, certificates, credential from Premier of NSW, newspaper cuttings, etc used by Eileen Barnard-Kettle in compiling her obituary of the late Margaret Watts.
Folder includes photo of Margaret dancing with the Sydney Lord Mayor at the Wattle Day Tea Dance, tributes, newspaper cuttings.
It also includes a photocopy of Raymond Evans' article 'All the passion of our womanhood: Margaret Thorp and the 'Battle of the Brisbane School of Arts', July 1917' (published as chapter 14 in Gender and war: Australians at war in the twentieth century, edited by Joy Damousi and Marilyn Lake).
Also correspondence with Margaret's brother, Dr J Thorp.
It also includes correspondence with Leonard S Kenworthy, editor of Living in the light: some Quaker pioneers of the twentieth century, vol.II which has a chapter on MSW written by Eileen Barnard-Kettle (held in Morris Miller Quaker BX 7791 .L53 1984)

Margaret Sturge Watts


Xerox copy of inscription on one sheet of paper - from a book?
On the recto, a black and white photo inscribed (by a different hand, possibly MST): Brent Allison (sic), Munich & Vienna.
On the verso: To my friend Margaret Thorp who understands - for the sake of old times together under the Quaker Star! from Brent D. Allinson. Vienna, September 1922

Margaret Sturge Watts

Margaret Sturge Watts Collection

  • AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2017/1
  • Collection
  • 1906

Papers of Margaret Sturge Watts include photo albums of relief work in Central Europe after World War I, an autograph album, visitors books, journals, an unpublished autobiography, newspaper cuttings and miscellaneous items including the notification and congratulatory letters for Margaret Watts' MBE in 1957 for her work in the 'assimiliation of new settlers.'

Margaret Sturge Watts


4 items: autograph album; personal book of inspirational quotations; notebook of Minutes; biographical notes compiled by Eileen Barnard-Kettle

Margaret Sturge Watts

My trip

Diary of trip from Sydney to Hastings, UK from February 21st to 23rd April 1963.
Inscription: 'from Mary & Arthur Hausch xmas 1962'.
Sailed to Naples on the "Australia" , then coach and train through Italy and Switzerland.

Margaret Sturge Watts

My trip

Contains diary entries, postcards and photos from trip to New Zealand in May 1973.
Inscription inside cover: 'To Margaret - Wishing you a happy trip - Love from Bet & Daph. May 1st 1973'.
Inscription opposite: '"Every gift conceals a task". The enclosed is my happy task MSW' underneath a picture of kiwi & egg

Margaret Sturge Watts


Notebook containing Minutes of the Friends Service Council Committee of Sydney, held at Margaret Watts' flat, Green Knowe Avenue, Potts Point. From 29th April, 1959 meetings were held at 55 Kirribilli Ave, Kirribilli and minutes taken by Margaret Morris.
Loose spine.
Notebook includes 2 inserts: obituary of late A. Dorothea Benson, member of Sydney Meeting for 45 years (dated February 1956); and pamphlet Quaker Service Overseas 1959.

Margaret Sturge Watts

Personal book

Personal book of inspirational quotations, in poor condition - loose pages and inserts, stained edges.
Inscription in front cover: 'Margaret S. Thorp, with loving wishes for June 12.1906. from E.B. Emmott'.
Miscellaneous writings and notes, inspirational verses.
Interfiled is letter from ABC Chairman, March 14, 61 re compensation cheque for eight pounds - money stolen at Canberra hotel

Margaret Sturge Watts

Photograph album

1 large, hand-illustrated quarter-bound leather album of black and white photographs.
Gold lettering on cover: War Relief Work Through Europe 1920-1921. M S Thorp.
Inscriptions include: Holland; Peace Palace Hague; Amsterdam; Rotterdam; Holland; Hartz Mts; Wandervogel; Blackforest Mountains; Spreewald; Bohemia; Schleswig Holstein; on the Baltic; Freiburg; Black Forest Mts; Dresden; Austrian Tyrol; Kattowitz, Upper Silesia; Freiburg; courtyard in Freiburg; skiing in the Blackforest Mts; Frankfort; medical examination; making use of spare rooms for homeless children; Dresden; open-air treatment; Leipzig depot; last scrapings of meal; German woman’s home; No-More War Demonstration; Hermine Chandlemaier; Lust-garten; Mrs Einstein; mission cows, Vienna; milk trains; hospitals & clinics; Austrian clinics; big child aged 3, small child aged 6 years; mission goats; rickerty children; angora rabbits; Town of Peace, Vienna co-operative scheme; Vienna; Friends’ motor transport, Vienna; Poland: Fumanka; refugee’s home, seven people; market scene; mission truck; refugees returning from Russia; dug-outs, Polish frontier, 10-15 peasants living in one dug out; returning refugees; where her home used to stand; washing clothes; negotiations for a new home; peasant woman; dug-out; carrying water; Upper Silesia; Warsaw; rickerty child, our courtyard, Warsaw; White Palace, Brest Litovsk where the Peace Treaty was signed; Russia: Minsk; Moscow – Kremlin; St Basil’s Church; propaganda; Opera House, Childrens’ Day; Cathedral; kindergartens and creches; Freinds’ (sic) warehouse; Stein; Rosinsky; childrens’ home; Doris White; All Russian Health Commission off to famine area; Childrens’ Day; children from famine area, Moscow; demonstration of maternity welfare; Kirghese; Samara; Russian porter (?); Health Committee, Samara; famine children, Samara; waiting for a boat on the Volga; the daily search; Russian village; relief supplies; famine transport; Russian village; peasants’ home; on the banks of the Volga, village depopulated; Violet Tillard; waiting for dinner; refugees – Samara; wild lily of the valley, Russia; Mission motor tractors; relief supplies; Petrograd; Buzuluk; Minsk; Reval; Berlin bunker air raid shelter; homeless; train travel in Germany; women workers in Schleswig Holstein.
Relief work included feeding children; medical and hospital work for children afflicted with tuberculosis and rickets; agricultural and housing reconstruction; settlement of Polish refugees returning from Russia; fighting typhus and cholera; and the Russian famine

Margaret Sturge Watts

Photograph album

Cover: M.S. Thorp, The Lighter Side of Wartime Relief-Work in Central Europe. War Relief Work in Central Europe, Berlin 1921-22.
Album of black and white photographs taken in Central Europe of colleagues and friends at social activities.
Inscriptions include: Opera House, Paris; The Seine, Paris; The Luxomburg, Paris; Dorotheen Strasse 2 Berlin; Headquarters Friends; Alfred Scattergood and Caroline [illeg]; Mary Hannum; Our Berlin Centre [illeg] Relief Section 135; Beatrice Ford Smith and Margaret; Friends Meeting House Berlin; Carl and Effie Heath? and F. Howard at [illeg]; Brandenburger Thof. Berlin; At Spreewald; Tiergarten Canal; Near Duisburgruhr; Brent and Edmund? at Potsdam; MST (Margaret Sturge Thorp) Konigstein; Brent Allinson Potsdam and E. Cooper and M. Thorp in lake; Edmund Cooper; Potsdam; Wandervogel; Berlin Opera House and Art Gallery; Cathedral; Crown Prince's Palace now an art gallery; University Berlin; Violet Tillard, Mary Hannum, Von Geisburg?, Hubert [illeg], Mary Allan, Sylvia Cowles, Mrs. Morris?, Mrs. Allan; Howard ?; Frieda Burkle?; MST, 'Scottie' & John Fletcher?; ? and Mary Howard [illeg], MST and Joan Fry + 3 unnamed; Old folk dance; Prague; Wandervogel; At Spreewald. Julia Ives?, Mary Moon, Mary Connell, Doris White, Beulah Herley, [illeg]; 'Scottie', MST?, Jeusen; 'Scottie', MST, Frieda, Sylvia, Laura, Caroline, Edmund, Julia, Harriet?, Von Geisburg, Mary [illeg], Howard [illeg], Mary Hannum. Fancy dress party at Kaiserallee given by Mary and Margaret; Rufus? Jones; Wandervogel; Alice McIver 'Scottie'; Hubert Hemp; [illeg] H and Mrs P [illeg] and 'Scottie'; Mary Hannum, Beulah Herley, [illeg (3)]; Terraced vineyards; Edmund Cooper; Konigstein; Old market place [illeg]; Spreewald; Student picnics while in Berlin; Violet Tillard; Students picnic at G--walt; Berlin Cathedral; Tiergarten; Berlin Office Field Centre ? table; Mary Hannum; Unter den linden; Regatta Day; Tiergarten Berlin; [illeg]; Taken from the train going to Vienna; Munich; Dresden; Berlin strasse, Charlottenburg Berlin

Margaret Sturge Watts

Photograph album

1 hand-illustrated quarter-bound leather album of black and white photographs of people MST met on the trip, and colour postcards

Margaret Sturge Watts

Pocket diary 1922

Woods' Australian diary for 1922, maroon.
Inscription inside cover: Margaret S. Thorp, Derwent Haven, Berriedale, Tasmania or 20 Russell Street, Melbourne.

Margaret Sturge Watts

Report and financial statement

Report and financial statement. December 1st, 1921, to June 30th, 1923. 31 pages. Printed in Melbourne by H.E. Pett & Co.
Fund started at instigation of the Quakers, and taken up by other churches and charities.
Margaret Thorp pages 4, 10, 19, 22; and Arthur Watts page 4.
After the Armistice, there were approximately twenty organisations - religious, social and philanthropic - taking part in relief work in Central Europe. The Australian Relief Fund for Stricken Europe was inaugurated in 1921 to coordinate funding efforts, after Australians (including Margaret Thorp of the Society of Friends) returned from relief work confirming stories of distress, disease and starvation rampant in Europe. On her return, Margaret Thorp lectured and organised committees throughout the Commonwealth

Margaret Sturge Watts

Souvenir de Suisse

Contains diary notes, postcards and travel brochures of Locarno and Zurich, and note from Reigate where she spent the last night of a wonderful holiday.
Friday April 5th to Monday 22nd April, 1963.

Margaret Sturge Watts

Transcript of diary

1 typescript document of 2 MST diaries (A1 and A2). Transcribed c1989 by Belinda Marsden-Smedley, who also added some dates and notes (as Margaret didn't include many dates) to enable correlation with events reported elsewhere.
Includes regret at not being able to join in the dancing (pages 3 and 5) on the voyage; her plan to to work with women in India in 5 or 6 years 'to try to show them the meaning of love' (p7); letter from Francis Mather & Mr Gower asking Mr Thorp to substitute at the Friends School for 7 months (p9); brief preliminary visit to Hobart (p14); arrival in Hobart (p27) and concern at boys attending military drill; met Captain Amundsen who signed her autograph book (p30.

Margaret Sturge Watts

Typescript of autobiography

Incomplete? Ends in May 1970: she'd had pain on the left side of her chest, and an operation at St Vincent's revealed it was benign, with no trace of cancer.
Includes handwritten inserts and edits in text.

Margaret Sturge Watts

Visitors book

1 cream coloured book with gold inscription printed on cover: Visitors.
Inscription on inside cover: To Margaret, With love from Eleanor. June 12th, 1975.
From 13-6-75 to 23rd April 1977.
3 inscriptions at the back: 2 messages from special German Friends, Werner & Paula Arnuade (Christmas 1976, and 84th birthday); and 'The Tree of Life' from the English Friend 11.5.75.

Margaret Sturge Watts

Visitors book

1 cream coloured book with gold inscription printed on cover: Visitors.
Inscription on inside cover: 1977. To Margaret, With loving wishes from Gladys Allen, Pontefract Yorks: for 12.6.77.
From 25.4.77 to 1st May 1978.
The last entry reads: Margaret conveyed by Ambulance to St Vincents Hospital, Darlinghurst. Her brother Joe Thorp went with her - she was seen by her Doctor (Dr Green) this morning, who wisely arranged for her to go to hospital. She has a Cerebral Vascular accident, ie possibly a cerebral embolism or thrombosis or haemorrhage. This looks like the last chapter of a very wonderful & useful life. JHT

Margaret Sturge Watts

Visitors book

1 maroon book with gold inscription printed on cover: Guests.
Inscription on inside cover: Margaret Watts 1/9 Greenknowe Ave, Potts Pt 2011 Sydney N.S.W. Tel. 358-2403. Christmas gift from my brother Joe .. 1971.
From 10/4/72 to June 12th 1975.

Margaret Sturge Watts

Visitors book

1 brown paper-covered book (cover detached from spine).
Inscription on cover: Visitors Book, very special. Margaret Watts. Oct 1920 to 1972.
Includes names and addresses; photos; newspaper cuttings.
From Oct 19 1920 to 9th April 1972.

Margaret Sturge Watts