- Series3 - Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (ATCM) documents
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- ItemBB-AQ-97 - Eleventh Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Buenos Aires, Working paper 34 "The twentieth anniversary of the entry into force of the Antarctic Treaty and the functioning of the Antarctic Treaty System" (ANT/XI/34Add.2)
- ItemBB-AQ-98 - Seventh Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Wellington, Final report (as issued at the meeting)
- ItemBB-AQ-99 - Eighth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Oslo, Information paper 1 "General information for delegates" (ANT/INF/1), and other Information Papers (ANT/INF/2, ANT/INF/3, ANT/INF/3 Corr.12, ANT/INF/5)
- ItemBB-AQ-104 - Fifteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Paris, Working paper 1 "Draft provisional agenda for the XVth ATCM" (XV ATCM/WP/1)
- ItemBB-AQ-105 - Fifteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Paris, Working paper 9 "Preliminary draft declaration on the ozone layer" (XV ATCM/WP/9) (France). Includes related Information Papers (XV ATCM/WP/9 Revised and XV ATCM/WP/9 Rev.5)
- ItemBB-AQ-106 - Fifteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Paris, Working paper 11 "The role of Antarctica in understanding and monitoring global change, including the ozone layer" (XV ATCM/WP/11) (United Kingdom). Includes related paper (XV ATCM/WP/11/REV 1)
- ItemBB-AQ-107 - Fifteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Paris, Working paper 14 "Comprehensive measure for the protection Antarctic environment and dependent and associated ecosystems" (XV ATCM/WP/14) (Sweden).
- ItemBB-AQ-108 - Fifteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Paris, Working paper 18 "Formulation of a strategy to prevent marine pollution and provide maritime safety in Antarctica" (XV ATCM/WP/18) (Uruguay)
- ItemBB-AQ-109 - Fifteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Paris, Working paper 22 "White Book" (XV ATCM/WP/22) (Chile)
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