- Series1 - National Antarctic documents
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- ItemBB-NO-67 - British despatch to Australia regarding Norway claim to Bouvet Island
- ItemBB-NO-68 - British note on the establishment of Spitsbergen and Ice Seas Council
- ItemBB-NO-69 - Diplomatic notes concerning Bouvet Island
- ItemBB-NO-70 - Norway, authorisation of the "Norvegia" expedition to claim territory for Norway
- ItemBB-NO-71 - Diplomatic notes concerning Bouvet Island
- ItemBB-NO-72 - UK Parliamentary debates concerning whaling rights and Bouvet Island
- ItemBB-NO-73 - United States Secretary of State memorandum concerning Bouvet Island
- ItemBB-NO-74 - British note concerning other Argentine recognition of Norway's claim to Bouvet Island
- ItemBB-NO-75 - British note concerning "Norvegia" whaling voyage to Bouvet Island, Peter I Island.
- 2594 more...