- Series5 - Miscellaneous Antarctic documents
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- ItemBB-GE-404 - Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition letter to members. Includes 1991-02-06 "ASOC report on the Antarctic Treaty Special Consultative Meeting on the Antarctic environment" and 1991-01-14 "Report on the Eighth UN debate on the Question of Antarctica"
- ItemBB-GE-405 - Cath Wallace "Protocol to the Antarctic Treaty on Environmental Protection: a critique"
- ItemBB-GE-406 - "Greenpeace commentary on the Antarctic Treaty Special Consultative Meeting on the Antarctic Environment"
- ItemBB-GE-407 - World Wide Fund for Nature "The conservation of the Antarctic: a statement for the Second Session of the XI Special Consultative Meeting of the Antarctic Treaty Parties in Madrid"
- ItemBB-GE-408 - Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition "ASOC Report: XI Special Consultative Meeting to the Antarctic Treaty Second Session, Madrid"
- ItemBB-GE-409 - Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition "Report on CCAMLR Newsletter 12, June 1991"
- ItemBB-GE-410 - Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition "Report on Third Session of XI Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Madrid"
- ItemBB-GE-411 - "Environmental consequences of construction and use of the airport at the French Antarctic base Dumont d'Urville, Point Geologie, Terre Adelie: report of the non-governmental organizations' fact-finding mission"
- ItemBB-GE-412 - Sierra Club "Ninth Meeting of the Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources"
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