- Series5 - Miscellaneous Antarctic documents
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- ItemBB-GE-176 - Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, Minutes of the Fourth meeting of SCAR
- ItemBB-GE-177 - Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, Fourth meeting of SCAR, Report of Working Group on Biology
- ItemBB-GE-178 - Francis Auburn "Antarctic minerals regime - selected issues" International Law Seminar, Canberra
- ItemBB-GE-179 - Carlos Aramayo Alzerreca "Historia de la Antartida y Breve Historia de la Antartida" including a Bush reference to "Resolution of the Chilean Chamber of Deputies"
- ItemBB-GE-180 - Alberto Luis Quaranta "El sexto continente: apuntes para el estudio de la Antártida Argentina"
- ItemBB-GE-181 - "His Majesty's land survey instructions in New Spain" translated by Fidel Lopez, Surveying and Mapping, Vol. XL No. 3
- ItemBB-GE-182 - Juan Carlos Rodríguez, Dr Juan Carlos "La República Argentina y las adquisiciones territoriales en el continente antártico"
- ItemBB-GE-183 - Hugh Wyndham "Australia and international cooperation in the Antarctic" [draft chapter for Coral Bell, ed, "Agenda for the Eighties" ANU Press, 1980]
- ItemBB-GE-184 - United Nations General Assembly, Thirty-Eighth Session, Request for the inclusion of a supplementary item on the Agenda (A/38/193) (Antigua and Barbuda)
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