Showing 84 results

Authority record
Corporate body

Wilson and Sons

  • Corporate body
  • 1870-

Wilson and Sons, shipbuilders, was founded by John Wilson (1842–1912), who began building wooden boats in 1863, at his home in Cygnet. The first boat was the Huon Belle, launched in 1864.

Waterloo (Ship)

  • Corporate body
  • 1815-1842

Waterloo was a merchant ship built at Bristol, England in 1815. On her first voyage she suffered a short-lived mutiny. She then made one voyage under charter to the British East India Company (EIC). She made four voyages transporting convicts from England to Australia, and two voyages from Ireland to Australia. On her seventh convict voyage Waterloo wrecked on 28 August 1842 in Table Bay with great loss of life.

For more information see

Ware Street Undenominational Mission

  • Corporate body
  • 1932-1941

A mission hall was opened in Ware Street (later Feltham Street) by a small band of workers. An evening service and Sunday school held every Sunday and a Christian Endeavour Society and other activities took place some evenings. Poor homes were visited and parcels of clothing, books, groceries, milk, eggs, vegetables, etc. given to the needy and small Christmas gifts for the children. Miss R. Livingstone was the Superintendent, Mrs. J.W. Hawkes treasurer and Mr and Mrs J.T. Soundy, R.J. Soundy, and others, regular helpers and teachers. Supporters included Clemes College, whose scholars gave a Christmas party for the children, Messrs. Gibson who donated bags of flour for distribution, Sandy
Bay Baptists, Rex Townley, etc.

Van Diemen's Land Company

  • Corporate body
  • 1824-2016

Nineteenth-century British businessmen were interested in developing colonial resources, and the Van Diemen's Land Company was formed in May 1824 to ensure a cheap supply of wool for British factories. The colonial experience of William Sorell and Edward Curr was enlisted. Directors sought a 500,000 acre land grant and Sorell suggested land between Port Sorell and Cape Grim. An 1825 Bill granted only half this area, 'remote from settlers'. No thought was given to the dispossession of Aborigines. A vanguard of officials left England in October assured of a company Charter, which was issued in November 1825. The chief agent (Curr), with Stephen Adey (superintendent), Alexander Goldie (agriculturalist) and Henry Hellyer (surveyor and architect), accompanied by surveyors Joseph Fossey and Clement Lorymer, arrived in Hobart in March 1826. Lt-Governor Arthur's reception was encouraging; however Arthur and Curr soon squabbled over the remote location of the grant.
The imminent arrival of the Tranmere carrying indentured servants, livestock and supplies pushed Curr into settling at Circular Head. For more information see:

University of Tasmania

  • Corporate body
  • 1890-

Founded in 1890, the University of Tasmania has a rich and proud history which was celebrated in 2015, as part of our 125th anniversary. We're the fourth oldest university in Australia and this vintage earns us the prestigious title of a sandstone university; one of the nation's oldest tertiary institutions. For more information see;

Trades and Labour Council

  • Corporate body
  • 1883 -

The Trades & Labor Council of Hobart was started in 1883. In 1917 it became known as the Hobart Trades Hall Council. In 1968, the separate Trades Halls of Hobart, Launceston and Devonport were amalgamated as the Tasmanian Trades & Labor Council. The Tasmanian Trades & Labor Council, also known as Unions Tasmania, is a representative body of trade union organisations in the State of Tasmania, Australia. It is the peak union body in Tasmania, made up of affiliated unions who represent some 50,000 workers. It is the Tasmanian Branch of the Australian Council of Trade Unions (the ACTU).

The Royal Society of Tasmania

  • Corporate body
  • 1843 to present

The Royal Society of Tasmania is the oldest scientific society in Australia and New Zealand and the third oldest Royal Society in the Commonwealth. The Society was founded in 1843 by Sir John Eardley-Wilmot, Lieutenant Governor, as the Botanical and Horticultural Society of Van Diemen’s Land. Its aim was to ‘develop the physical character of the Island and illustrate its natural history and productions’. For more information see :

The Examiner Newspaper

  • Corporate body
  • 1842 -

The Examiner was first published on 12 March 1842, founded by James Aikenhead. The Reverend John West was instrumental in establishing the newspaper and was the first editorial writer. At first it was a weekly publication (Saturdays). The Examiner expanded to Wednesdays six months later. In 1853, the paper was changed to tri-weekly (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays), and first began daily publication on 10 April 1866. This frequency lasted until 16 February the next year. Tri-weekly publication then resumed and continued until 21 December 1877 when the daily paper returned. The Weekly Courier was published by the company from 1901 to 1935. Another weekly paper (evening) The Saturday Evening Express was published between 1924 and 1984 when it transformed into The Sunday Examiner a title which continues to this day.
Once owned by ENT Limited, The Examiner was owned by the Rural Press group and is now part of Fairfax Media.

The Royal Society of Tasmania

  • Corporate body
  • 1943 to present

The Royal Society of Tasmania is the oldest scientific society in Australia and New Zealand and the third oldest Royal Society in the Commonwealth.
The Society was founded in 1843 by Sir John Eardley-Wilmot, Lieutenant Governor, as the Botanical and Horticultural Society of Van Diemen’s Land. Its aim was to ‘develop the physical character of the Island and illustrate its natural history and productions’. Queen Victoria became Patron in 1844 and the name was changed to The Royal Society of Tasmania of Van Diemen’s Land for Horticulture, Botany and the Advancement of Science. Under the current relevant Act of Parliament, passed in 1911, the name was shortened to The Royal Society of Tasmania. A branch of the Society was formed in Launceston in 1853. It lapsed but was reconstituted in 1921 and has continued since then.
For more information see:

Tasmanian Society of Honorary Justices

  • Corporate body
  • 1922 - present

Now called the Tasmanian Society of Justices of the Peace Inc., formerly the Tasmanian Society of Honorary Justices and the Honorary Justices Association of Southern Tasmanian. Patron is the governor of Tasmania.

Tasmanian Council of Education

  • Corporate body
  • 1859-1890

The Tasmanian Council of Education was established in 1859 to hold university entrance examinations ‘in imitation of the Oxford and Cambridge annual local examinations’. The TCE awarded scholarships for higher school education, an Associate of Arts award (equivalent to matriculation) and two annual scholarships for study at a British university. Its elaborate seal, bearing an open book, a star and a rose, was designed by Bishop of Tasmania F.R. Nixon. When the University of Tasmania was established in 1890 it took over the functions of the TCE

Tasmanian Caledonian Society

  • Corporate body
  • 1888-

A Caledonian Society was formed in Hobart in December 1888 to foster and create a taste for the literature, music and sports of Scotland - President His Excellency the Governor, Secretary James Longmore, Treasurer W. Ferguson jun., Musical Conductor Henan Buch. Subscriptions 10 s. 6 d. Life members £5. 5s" (Walch's Almanac1889). The Governor in 1888 was Sir Robert George Crookshank Hamilton K.C.B., born in the Shetland Islands in 1836. The subscription remained the same until the 1911 entry in the Almanac when it was reduced to 5 s. and £3 . 3s. for life members. There was no further mention of the Caledonian Society in the Almanacs until 1916, when the entry appeared again, with the Governor, Sir R. Crawford Munro Ferguson, as patron, but this time the society had a "Chieftain", Dr G. Scott, instead of a president, as does the modern Tasmanian Caledonian Society.

The TASMANIAN CALEDONIAN COUNCIL was formed in 1957 as a combined council consisting of officers of all Tasmanian Caledonian societies to promote friendliness
amongst its own members and societies of a similar nature and to conduct highland games etc.

Tasmanian Biological Club

  • Corporate body
  • 1937-

In the 1920's and 1930's scientists studying animals began to realise that little attention was being paid to how animals lived and how they reacted to their environment and each other. Thus a worldwide interest in their general ecology began. The first general meeting of the Club (as distinct from the inaugural meeting held on 6 June 1935 to discuss the formation of the Club) took place on Monday, 15 July 1935.
The Biological Club celebrated its seventy-fifth anniversary with a dinner on 13 July 2010 attended by many past and present members and their partners. Membership in the Club
is by invitation, with the maximum number of members at any time fixed at 20. This limit is largely dictated by the fact that most meetings, as originally intended, are still held in
the homes of members, thereby placing a practical constraint on numbers. One is entitled to ask the purpose of this litdeknown Club. In the days of its founding, the 1930s, it was an avenue by which active scientists in the Hobart area could exchange information and discuss topics of mutual interest, as there were fewer alternative options for communication than today. The age structure of the members has changed considerably in the 75 years of the Club's history. Previously the entire membership was made up of active workers in the prime of their productive lives. It is now dominated by retirees. Nevertheless, with increasing calls by governments for physically able pensioners to remain productive and contribute to society and to the economy, the Biological Club provides an avenue by which retirees can learn about new developments from younger colleagues. It turn, it gives the younger members the opportunity to benefit from the experience and accumulated wisdom of their senior colleagues.
For more information see :

Tasmania University Union

  • Corporate body
  • 1899 -

The Tasmania University Union (TUU) was created in 1899, only 9 years after the establishment of the University of Tasmania, making it one of the oldest student bodies in Australia. There has been a Student Representative Council since 1929, and the union has resided in its present location since 1959. for more information see :

South Hobart [Baptist organisations]

  • Corporate body
  • 1937-1988

South Hobart Mission 1937-1942
South Hobart Baptist Church 1944-
Women's Auxiliary, 1952-1977
Sunday School
Women's Fellowship

Smithton [Baptist Church]

  • Corporate body
  • c1942-1985

Last Church meeting (22 Feb 1985) concerned the amalgamation of two churches and resolved to form a management committee

Silk and Textile Printers Pty. Ltd

  • Corporate body
  • 1947-2002

Silk and Textiles Pty. Ltd. was formed in Sydney in 1939 by the Alcorso family. In 1945 they were looking for new premises, and Premier Robert Cosgrove persuaded them with cheap electricity to come to Hobart in 1947. The factory spun, wove and printed raw silk, and used cotton for furnishings and sheets – Silk and Textiles was the first in Australia to make coloured sheets. At its peak the factory employed 1400 people. It provided housing for immigrant workers, and involved the labour force in running the factory, with worker representation in the boardroom, a profit-sharing system and the first 40-hour week in Tasmania. Relations with workers were excellent.
For more information see :

Royal Hobart Regatta Association

  • Corporate body
  • 1838-

The Royal Hobart Regatta began in 1838, is a series of aquatic competitions and displays held annually in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia and is Tasmania's oldest sporting event. The regatta runs for three days, ending on the second Monday in February, and dominates the whole river for the duration of the event. The regatta of 6 February 1934 was the first to be called the Royal Hobart Regatta, the title being conferred by King George V. On 1 December 1838, the first Hobart Town Anniversary Regatta was held in Hobart, Tasmania to celebrate the Tasmanian Anniversary of the 17th-century European discovery of the island by Dutch explorer Abel Tasman, who made the first reported European sighting of the island on 24 November 1642. It was decided that the annual anniversary regatta should be celebrated by the wearing of a sprig of silver wattle blossom tied with British Navy blue ribbon.[4] It was begun by the then Governor of Tasmania, Sir John Franklin. Franklin provided free food and beer for all of the spectators, and the tradition of free entry continues to this day.
For more information see

Rostrum Australia

  • Corporate body
  • 1030 -

Rostrum Australia is an association of public speaking clubs, founded on 21 July 1930. The original Rostrum club ("The Rostrum") was founded in Manchester, England, on 21 July 1923 and its first meeting was held under a yew tree at Greendale Farm near Manchester. The first meeting in Australia was held under an Angophora tree in 1930. This makes Rostrum the longest-running public speaking organisation in the world. for mor information see :

Rose Stereograph Company

  • Corporate body

George Rose was born in Clunes, Victoria in 1861 and later worked in his father’s boot-making business in Prahran while studying photography. In 1880 he founded the Rose Stereograph Company and became famous for producing stereographs, or stereoviews, which gave the illusion of being in 3D when seen through a hand-held viewer. In 1913, after the world wide decline in popularity of stereographs he turned his attention to the production of postcards which had become very popular in Australia and overseas. He published postcards in Melbourne which included Tasmania views by S. Spurling. Suprlings negatives were acquired by Rose in 1937.
The Rose Stereograph Company first started producing the ‘P Series’ postcards in 1913 and continued until 1967 at which time they switched to machine manufactured colour postcards printed by an outside firm.

Risby Brothers

  • Corporate body
  • c1845-c1900

The Risby Timber Company until its demise in the mid-1990s was one of Australia's oldest family-run firms. Boat builders Thomas and Joseph Risby established a sawmill in Hobart in the mid-1840s. Thomas left, but Joseph had the business on a sound footing when his three sons took control in 1885, trading as Risby Brothers. By 1900 Risbys had ten vessels and their enterprises extended from the south-east to the west, with a depot and mill at Strahan (1897), followed by numerous bush mills in the Derwent Valley. They sold timber and timber-related products, and moved to different sites in Hobart as business expanded, particularly during the do-it-yourself boom of the 1970s. After the main Westerway mill burnt down in 1957, Risbys developed a state-of-the-art sawmill at Austins Ferry. Among numerous timber-based ventures, the company became embroiled in the conservation-forestry confrontation at Farmhouse Creek in 1986. The company closed in 1994. From:

Religious Society of Friends

  • Corporate body
  • 1833 -

The Hobart meeting began in 1833 when the visiting Quakers, James Backhouse and George Washington Walker, held meetings for worship in the Quaker manner, and others wished to join them. Accordingly on 20 September 1833 a small group of Friends met in a private house in Bathurst street and formed a "Meeting for Discipline". In 1836 a house in Murray Street was purchased as a Meeting House. In 1880 a stone Meeting House was built behind the old weatherboard house and in 1960 the present site in Argyle Street next to the Friends School was purchased. For more information see :

Murray Views

  • Corporate body

Murray Studios was started by Fred Murray in 1908. In 1929, determined to keep his company and staff together during the hard times of the Great Depression, Fred Murray created a new Department and called it Murray Views. He proposed to supply postcards of local views to neighbouring holiday centres. Over the next 10 years, Fred expanded the business into North Qld, NSW and as far as Adelaide. Today Murray Views Pty Ltd is still one of the foremost producers of postcards and souvenirs in Australia. - More information

Liverpool John Moores University

  • Corporate body

Liverpool John Moores University (abbreviated LJMU) is a public research university in the city of Liverpool, England. The university can trace its origins to the Liverpool Mechanics' School of Arts, established in 1823.[3] This later merged to become Liverpool Polytechnic. In 1992, following an Act of Parliament, the Liverpool Polytechnic became what is now Liverpool John Moores University.[4] It is named after Sir John Moores, a local businessman and philanthropist, who donated to the university's precursor institutions. For more informatio : and

Launceston City Council

  • Corporate body
  • 1853 -

Launceston was proclaimed a municipality by an Act of Parliament on October 30, 1852. The proclamation came 47 years after the area then known as Patersonia, had been settled by a British garrison lead by Lieutenant Colonel Williams Patterson. Seven Aldermen were elected to the Launceston Town Council in January 1853, at the first Local Government elections held in Van Diemen's Land. Aldermen elected the first Mayor, Alderman William Stammers Button, later that day at the first meeting of the Town Council. For more information see:

Kings Meadows [Baptist Fellowship and Church]

  • Corporate body
  • 1953-1975

A Kings Meadows Baptist Fellowship was formed on 18 February 1963 and the church was constituted in October 1961, but was closed in December 1975

Kemp & Co

  • Corporate body
  • 1823-1829

Established by Anthony Fenn Kemp (1773?-1868), soldier and merchant. Kemp was a foundation director and later president of the Van Diemen's Land Bank. Soon after his arrival in Hobart Town in 1816 he had established the firm of Kemp & Gatehouse, which was changed to Kemp & Co. about 1823 when Richard Barker was taken into partnership.

J. Paterson & Sons

  • Corporate body
  • 1904-1905

J. Paterson & Sons were blacksmiths, engineers, boilermakers and machinists of Orient Iron Works, Collins Street, Hobart.

Hobart Town Maternal & Dorcas Society

  • Corporate body
  • 1835-1949

The Hobart Maternal & Dorcas Society was formed in 1835 by a number of charitable ladies, firstly "to assist married women during the time of their confinement" and secondly "to extend relief to the poor, as funds admit, especially to children who may be in want of suitable clothing to attend the enfant, Sabbath or other schools". Boxes or bags were prepared containing clothing and blankets for the baby and mother, and soap and a bible. The bags were lent for a month, but food and other comforts were distributed as funds allowed. After the maternity Bonus Act of 1912 the Society more or less went into abeyance, except for special cases, and in 1949 it was finally wound up.
A brief history of the Society by W H Hudspeth was published in 1942 and is with the records. For more information see the digitised version at

Hobart Chamber of Commerce

  • Corporate body
  • 1851-1984

The Hobart Chamber of Commerce was established in 1851, following a meeting of merchants and other business men held on 3 February 1851. Henry Hopkins, a well known Hobart merchant, presided over the meeting, which proposed that merchants, shipowners, ship masters, traders and manufacturers of Hobart Town should form themselves into an association to be styled the Hobart Town Chamber of Commerce to protect and promote their common commercial interests. There were to be 12 directors with a chairman, deputy chairman and secretary who were to meet every month and two general meetings were to be held every year. In 1856 the Chamber was granted the privilege of nominating three of the Wardens of the Marine Board.

High School of Hobart Town

  • Corporate body
  • 1848-1885

The High School of Hobart Town was founded in 1848 by a group of gentleman connected with the Presbyterian and free churches including Rev. Dr. John Lillie, Minister of St. Andrews Church, Chairman of the Council, T.D. Chapman, who succeeded Lillie as Chairman of the Council of Shareholders, R.W. Nutt, Henry Hopkins, G.W. Walker, R. Officer and W. Robertson, who acted as treasurer. The shareholders were granted five acres on the Government Domain and A. Dawson drew up a plan for the building in 1848. Messrs. Cleghorn and Anderson tendered to build it for £3600 by November lJ349 and this was accepted. Money was raised by the original shares of £25 each, further shares and subscriptions raised in Tasmania and London, encouraged by the distribution of a prospectus and lithographic copies of Dawson's drawing of the proposed building (see Pro Hbt/112). Any shareholder subscribing £100 was entitled to educate one boy free of the annual tuition fee of £12 (for an example of a share certificate see R. 7/2). The object of the institution, as originally described, was 'the instruction of youth in the higher brances of learning, as taught in superior classical and mathematical schools in England', the ultimate object being 'to confer on Australian youth the inestimable advantages of an European University'. The school opened in 1850 and 56 boys were enrolled in the first quarter. The number had increased to 81 at the beginning of 1851. By 1859 boarders were being taken and a junior department had been started. The High School Council had in 1849 requested the Council of University College, London, to recommend a Head classical Master as Rector, at 400 a year, and a Mathematics master. A Mr. Eccleston was appointed but he died suddenly and Rev. Dr. John Lillie was appointed hon. Rector. George Brien M.A. was then appointed Classical Master and - Dobson as Mathematical Master, both receiving £400 a year, and Rev. Lillie remained Rector. In 1857 Rev. R.D. Paulett Harris was appointed Rector and remained until 1885, leasing the school from the shareholders from 1862. In 1885 the rights to the school were handed over to the Christ College Trust and the school became Christ College, surprisingly as J.P. Gell the first Warden of Christ's College originally opposed the foundation of the High School. The Christ College School in fact merged with the Hutchins School and in 1892 the High School building was sold to the new University of Tasmania. (See reports 1849, 1851, 1859 (H.8) and Wood's Almanack 1849 p. 108.

G.P. Fitzgerald & Co.

  • Corporate body
  • 1892-2013

G.P. Fitzgerald and Company was an emporium retail business begun by George Parker Fitzgerald in 1892. It was bought out by Charles Davis Ltd in 1986 and continued business as 'Fitzgeralds' to 1995 when Harris Scarfe assumed control. G.P. Fitzgerald was a founding Director of the famous Cascades Brewery in Hobart and was one of three office bearers.

Girls Industrial School Hobart

  • Corporate body
  • 1862-1945

The School was founded in June 1862, originally as the 'Hobart Town Female Refuge' I to provide a home for neglected girls and train them in washing, sewing and domestic work. It was managed by a committee of ladies elected by subscribers, usually under the patronage of the Governor's wife, but five gentlemen were elected as governors and formed an advisory committee. The School occupied various temporary houses until 1873 when the committee leased buildings in the Barracks, which premises were extended in 1879 when the School took the protestant girls from the Queen's Orphan School, New Town, which was being closed. In 1892 it moved to 'Kensington House', Davey Street (now the Trades Hall) and finally in 1924 it moved to 'Maylands', Pirie Street, New Town. The School took 30 to 40 girls, usually between 6 and 14, but occasionally younger, and the committee liked to keep them beyond their committal period until they were 16 and trained for service, unless there were suitable relatives. They were usually referred by a magistrate and supported by the Government, by relatives or by donations and the little earned by laundry and sewing work. The children were looked after by a matron and sub-matron and ladies of the committee visited in turn. As well as instruction in domestic work the children were given some basic education, by a Schoolmistress appointed after the transfer of the Orphan School girls in 1879, and after 1925 attended state school, and also received religious instruction from local ministers or Sunday school teachers.
In February 1945 the School was transferred to the Salvation Army.

Friends' School

  • Corporate body
  • 1887 -

The Friends' School, Hobart is an independent co-educational Quaker day and boarding school located in North Hobart, a suburb of Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.
Founded in 1887 by Quakers, the school currently caters for approximately 1330 students from Pre-Kindergarten to Year 12, including 47 boarders from Years 7 to 12. It is the largest Quaker school in the world. For more information see,_Hobart

Electrolytic Zinc Company of Australasia Limited

  • Corporate body
  • 1916-1984

Electrolytic Zinc or the Electrolytic Zinc Company of Australasia (frequently abbreviated to EZ ) was the company that operated a Zinc refinery on the banks of the Derwent River in Risdon in Hobart in Tasmania between 1916 and 1984. For more information see or for further reading: A Alexander, The Zinc Works, Hobart, 1992.

Economic Society of Australia and New Zealand. Tasmanian Branch

  • Corporate body
  • 1924-

The Tasmanian Branch of the Economic Society of Australia was formed in November 1924 at a meeting convened by L.F. Giblin (Tasmanian Government Statistician) and J.B. Brigden (Chair of Economics at the University of Tasmania) and D.B Copland (the pioneer of Economics at the University of Tasmania and its previous chair). A week later the branch's constitution was adopted and the then Governor of Tasmania, Sir James O'Grady was elected as its president. For more information see

Duncan Loane Pty.

  • Corporate body
  • 1910-1981

Duncan Loane Pty., general merchants, was founded in Devonport in 1910 by Duncan Loane, formerly Devonport manager for A.G. Webster & sons. On his retirement in 1922 the firm was made into a proprietary company. Directors included W.H. Edwards, managing director, G.C. Walch, R.l.D. Loane etc. The firm dealt especially in farm machinery, holding a number of agencies for overseas firms, such as Ransome & Sims of England, as well as Australian firms, including water pumps by wind mill and electric or diesel rams. They also dealt in fertilisers, fencing wires, corn sacks, gates, etc. and act as agents for insurance.

For more information see$002f$002fARCHIVES_AGENCIES$002f0$002fNG1031/one

Davies Brothers Pty Ltd

  • Corporate body
  • 1854 -

The Mercury began in 1853 when John Davies, a former convict, bought a Hobart newspaper, the Guardian, and the following year renamed it the Hobarton Mercury. It first appeared as a tri-weekly, and the Mercury has provided news for Hobartians ever since, with numerous changes: it took over five other newspapers; became a daily (1858); published subsidiaries, notably the Illustrated Tasmanian Mail (1877 - 1935), the Saturday Evening Mercury (1954 - 84) and the Sunday Tasmanian from 1984

Davies Brothers was taken over by News Limited in 1985, bringing to an end the newspaper business run by the Davies family since 1854. The Mercury will relocate from its original site in Macquarie Street, in August 2012. Its present art deco building dating from 1940 will be sold.

Cradle Mountain Reserve Board

  • Corporate body
  • 1930-1947

In 1947 the Lake St Clair Scenic Reserve was added to the Cradle Mountain Reserve to create a new National Park and a new Board was constituted to administer it.

Christ College

  • Corporate body
  • 1846 -

Christ College is the oldest tertiary institution in Australia and is a residential college of the University of Tasmania. The college is currently located on the University's grounds in Sandy Bay, Tasmania.
The College was opened on 1 October 1846 with the hope that it would develop along the lines of an Oxbridge college and provide the basis for university education in Tasmania. It was also intended to prepare men for the priesthood. The Hutchins School and Launceston Church Grammar School were founded at the same time to act as feeder schools to the College.
The College's first ten years (1846–1856) were at Bishopsbourne, and there is still a sign there pointing to "The College". However, it never really developed as its founders hoped, and a depression in the colony, the remote site, and financial problems led to its closure in 1856. The cedar mantelpiece in the Computer Room is the only reminder of the now demolished Bishopsbourne building.
1879 The College re-opened in Hobart in 1879 in Macquarie Street, moving to the Hobart High School premises on the Domain on a seven-year lease in 1885. There was an effort during the Macquarie Street/High School period to provide some form of higher education, but for most of the time the College was just another Hobart school, competing for students against schools like Hutchins and the Friends' School. It did, however, offer some evening classes, which may have been for more advanced students.
1892 The lease was not renewed in 1892 because of the foundation of the University of Tasmania. The University moved into the High School buildings and the College closed. There had been a move to restructure Christ College as the new university, but this was defeated by the combined Presbyterian and Roman Catholic interests who were sensitive to what they perceived as an undue Anglican influence on education.
1911 The College reopened in 1911 as the matriculation section of the Hutchins School in Macquarie Street. The accumulated College assets were used to build a special Christ College wing for the matriculation section, and to acquire the Holy Trinity Rectory in Park Street as a hostel for theological and other students.
The College also had a very close association with St Wilfrid's College, the theological training college founded at "Richmond Hill", Cressy, in 1904. The property was bequeathed to the Diocese by James Denton Toosey, one of the Trustees appointed after the College's closure at Bishopsbourne in 1856, with the request that it be used if possible for the revival of Christ College.
By the nineteen twenties, St Wilfrid's College had run into difficulties, and at the same time Launceston Grammar protested that Hutchins, because of its close connection with the College, was receiving an unfair amount of the Christ College assets. Representations were made to Parliament, and the Christ College Act was passed in 1926, holding that the matriculation sections of Hutchins and Launceston Grammar were carrying out the secular academic intentions of the College's founders, and granting them each one third of the College's assets. The remaining third, with the proceeds from the sale of the "Richmond Hill" estate, was to be devoted to upgrading the Holy Trinity rectory site to "....provide for the training of young men in theological learning and Christian doctrine for admission to holy orders in connection with the Church of England in Tasmania and, as far as its means will allow, to provide for a college or hostel for students attending the University of Tasmania."
1929 The Warden of St Wilfrid's College, William Barrett, was appointed first Warden of the new college, and he and his five theological students and twelve university students move into enlarged premises on the Park Street site in 1929. In 1933 the College was formally affiliated with the University as its first residential college.
Christ College 1971-Current, Sandy Bay
1971 When the University moved to the Sandy Bay campus in the sixties, the College followed. It was finally completed in 1971, when it also became the first Tasmanian college to take both men and women.
1991 Christ College began a new chapter in its long and significant story. The Bishop, the Board of Management and the Christ College Trust entered an agreement whereby ownership and management of the College passed to the University of Tasmania. The agreement provides for the continuation of the College in the full integrity of its Anglican traditions and heritage.
1996 The College celebrated its sesquicentenary.
2003 The administration of Christ College was taken over by Accommodation Services, which also administers St John Fisher College and the new University Apartments.
2008 The College completes its first major refurbishment initiative since moving to the Sandy Bay site.
From :

C. Piesse & Company

  • Corporate body

C. Piesse & Co, Merchants and Shipping Agents, corner of Elizabeth and Davey Streets, Hobart. The company was started in the late nineteenth century by Charles Augustus James Piesse (1850-1909), who had formerly worked with A.G. Webster and Alex McGregor & Co. He carried on the business of a shipping, forwarding and general agent including wool, skins, hops, fruit etc. His son, Leslie Fraser Piesse (1882-) succeeded him as Managing Director. The firm exported to British and Continental markets, specializing in ‘colonial’ produce, silver, lead ore, hops, grain, fur, wool, sheep &? rabbit skins (Cyclopedia of Tasmania p. 333). Charles Augustus James Piesse was born in Hobart in 1850, son of Frederick Henry Piesse and Jean Price Johnson. At his death in 1909 his son Leslie Fraser Piesse, (1882-1964) succeeded to the business.

Birchall's Bookshop, Launceston

  • Corporate body
  • 1844 -2017

Birchalls Pty Ltd is the oldest bookshop in Tasmania. Samuel Tegg established a bookshop in Hobart Town in 1833, then opened his Brisbane Street outlet in Launceston in 1844. Blake, Huxtable and Duthie were the next owners. In 1863 the Hobart firm of J Walch and Sons bought Duthie out and opened a northern branch.

Andrew W Birchall (1831–93) was appointed manager and became a partner in 1867. The firm traded as Walch Bros and Birchall until he acquired the shop in 1893. As was customary in family businesses, he was succeeded by his son who registered Birchalls as a proprietary company in 1921. Stanley V Tilley (1898–1985) joined Birchalls in 1928. The Tilley family bought the business and property in 1969. SV Tilley passed on his knowledge of the trade to his descendants, who now run the 160-year-old store and other retail outlets throughout Tasmania. FROM

Beattie's Studios

  • C2018/1
  • Corporate body
  • 1891-

Beattie’s Studio is a photographic business founded by Scotsman John Watt Beattie, known professionally as J.W.Beattie (1859-1930), who began exhibiting photographs soon after his arrival in Tasmania in 1878.

Baptist Chapel, Harrington Street, Hobart

  • Corporate body
  • 1841-1887

This chapel was opened on 21 March 1841 at the corner of Harrington and Goulburn Streets, by Rev. Henry Dowling, who arrived in Hobart in 1835 from Colchester, England. He established a Baptist congregation with chapels in Launceston (1840) and Hobart and was pastor at Launceston until his death in 1869. Ministers in Hobart were: Samuel Hewlett (until 1849), William R. Wade (c 1849-52), Kerr Johnston (c 1853 -1857), Dixon Davis (c 1858-60), Evan Jones (c 1874-1879), A. W. Grant (1879), Isaac H. Palfreyman (1883), Edwin Tucker (1884). The later ministers stayed only short periods and many were elderly. Dixon Davis died in 1861 attended by Dr. Crowther, and the accounts record the erection of a headstone on Evan Jones' grave (d. 1879). There were many periods without a minister, especially after 1860, when services were taken by members of the congregation, with occasional visits by Rev. Henry Dowling from Launceston, or later W. Clark from Perth. It is noticeable that the collection increased when Mr Dowling visited. About 1883 I. H. Palfreyman acted as minister for a short time but he later built an independent chapel in King Street, described as "non-denominational". Edwin Tucker served in 1885 but there was little money to support him. In 1884 Rev. R. McCullough, from Longford, had come to Hobart and established a new congregation, fIrst in the Exhibition Building, then in a temporary chapel in Elizabeth Street until the big new Tabernacle in Elizabeth Street was completed in 1887.

Australian Labor Party

  • Corporate body
  • 1891 -

The Australian Labor Party has its origins in the Labour parties founded in the 1890s in the Australian colonies prior to federation. Labor tradition ascribes the founding of Queensland Labour to a meeting of striking pastoral workers under a ghost gum tree (the "Tree of Knowledge") in Barcaldine, Queensland in 1891. The Balmain, New South Wales branch of the party claims to be the oldest in Australia. Labour as a parliamentary party dates from 1891 in New South Wales and South Australia, 1893 in Queensland, and later in the other colonies.
For more information see :

Australian Cambridge Graduates

  • Corporate body
  • 1811-1948

List of Australians who graduated at Cambridge 1811-1948.

Alfred Harrap & Son

  • Corporate body
  • 1857-1968

Alfred Harrap & Son of Cameron Street, Launceston, began as grain merchants but diversified into woolbroking and shipping . Tamar River Boats was founded by Alfred Harrap (1820-1893) in 1857 transporting mining equipment and agricultural produce. In 1887 Harrap purchased the wool firm of W.T. Bell Ltd. In 1896 G.W. Valentine joined the firm under Alfred's son George Edward Harrap (1856-1937). Alfred Harrap & Son was bought by Roberts, Stewart & Co Ltd (later Roberts & Co Ltd) in 1967 For more information see:

A.G. Webster & Sons

  • Corporate body
  • 1856-

In 1856 Alexander George Webster (1830-1914), who had arrived in Tasmania with his parents in 1839, took over the general merchant business of C.T. Smith and ran it for a few years in partnership with Mr Tabart until he aquired the sole interest. Later he took his sons Charles Ernest and Edwin Herbert into partnership as A.G. Webster & Sons. The business grew and in addition to general merchandise and trade in wool, grain and other produce the firm imported agricultural machinery and implements, windmills, pumps, boilers etc. and acted as agents for the Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company and the Sun Insurance Office of London. There were branches in Launceston and Devonport and agents in most towns.

For more information see

Ackworth School

  • Corporate body
  • 1779 to present

Ackworth School is an independent school located in the village of High Ackworth, near Pontefract, West Yorkshire, England. It is one of eight Quaker Schools in England. The school was founded by John Fothergill and others in 1779 as a boarding school for Quaker boys and girls. Prior to the school's foundation, the buildings housed a foundling hospital created by Thomas Coram. For more informations see: